Philippine National ID

On 06 August 2018, Republic Act (RA) No. 11055, or the Philippine Identification System Act, was signed into law. This Act establishes a single national identification system that aims to provide a valid proof of identity for Filipino citizens and resident aliens of the Philippines.

The Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) refers to the government’s central identification platform for all Filipino citizens and resident aliens of the Philippines. PhilSys allows for the issuance of a Philippine ID (PhilID), which is the physical ID card that serves as a valid proof of identity. PhilID can be used to transact with the government and the private sector. The card is non-transferable and is issued upon successful registration to the PhilSys.

RA 11055 identified the Philippine Statistics Authority as the lead agency for the implementation of PhilSys. For more information on the PhilSys and PhilID, please visit the following link:

The registration for the PhilID is ongoing in the Philippines.

Information on when and how Filipinos abroad can register for their PhilID has yet to be received.

Following receipt of information on the matter from the Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila, the Embassy will issue the requisite Public Announcement to inform Filipinos in Switzerland and Liechtenstein on how they can register for their PhilID.

Stagiaire / Internship

The Philippines and Switzerland signed an Agreement on the Exchange of Profession and Technical Trainees on 09 July 2002.

The agreement applies to the exchange of Swiss and Filipino citizens, or “trainees”, who will be trained and employed in their own profession for a limited period in the other country in professional and technical occupations for purposes of professional development, cultural exposure, and language skills development.

Under Article IX of the said Agreement, prospective trainees shall be primarily responsible for finding the companies themselves with which they want to undertake traineeship. As such, interested “trainees” or stagiaires are required to find their prospective employer and subsequently request them to contact the competent Swiss authorities for the required documents needed for their travel to Switzerland as an intern. The Embassy cannot endorse application/s nor does the Embassy maintain a list or register of Swiss companies.

For more information, please view the following:

Au Pair

The Au Pair program in Switzerland as well as the authentication of Au Pair contracts of Filipinos remains suspendedThe au pair program is also currently under review by the Philippine Government.

Changes on the policy, if any, will be announced through a requisite advisory on this website.