Foreign driver's license can be used in the Philippines for 90 days starting from the date of arrival in the Philippines. 

Travellers planning to stay and drive for longer than 90 days in the Philippines are required to get a Philippine driving license from the Land Transportation Office (LTO). You may view the information from https://lto.gov.ph/frequently-asked-questions/license-permit.html or https://lto.gov.ph/license-and-permit.html#plain-or-advance-renewal-of-driver-s-conductor-s-license-and-renewal-of-driver-s-license-of-filipino-living-abroad.

Holders of a Swiss driving licence may also wish to refer to the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) on driving in the Philippines with Swiss driving license: https://www.eda.admin.ch/dam/countries/countries-content/philippines/en/Driver_License_en.pdf.

For further questions on driving in the Philippines, please directly contact the LTO through their website.