3 passport requirementsAssistance-to-Nationals (ATN) Form 




ATN refers to the appropriate assistance extended to overseas Filipinos in distress. Requests of such nature are handled on a case-by-case basis.

A national in distress is defined as “an Overseas Filipino, regardless of immigration status, who has a medical, psychosocial or legal problem requiring treatment, hospitalization, counselling, legal or any other kind of assistance in the country where he or she is found” by the Joint Manual of Operations (JMO) of the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Labor and Employment per Republic Act (RA) 8042, as amended by RA 10022 otherwise known as An Act Amending Republic Act No. 8042, otherwise known as The Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995, as amended, further improving the standard of protection and promotion of the welfare of Migrant Workers, their Families and Overseas Filipinos in distress, and for other purposes.

Overseas Filipinos in distress and seeking the ATN Services of the Embassy will be required to accomplish the ATN form, which will submitted to the Department of Foreign Affairs – Office of the Undersecretary for Migrant Workers Affairs (DFA-OUMWA) for reporting and/or further evaluation of the case. All matters will be handled confidentially.

Overseas Filipinos in need of the Embassy’s ATN services may either: 1) avail themselves of the Walk-in Consular Services of the Embassy; 2) call the Embassy’s emergency number 079-542-1992 after office hours or during weekends and holidays; or 3) contact the ATN Officer by telephone at 031-350-1718 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and provide the following initial information: full name, contact details (number and address), and Philippine passport data page.

For Filipino residents of the Cantons of Geneva and Vaud, please contact the Philippine Consulate General in Geneva. Their contact details are as follows:

The Philippine Consulate General in Geneva

Address: Allee David-Morse 14, 1202 Geneva

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Website: https://genevapcg.dfa.gov.ph/ 

Tel. No.: +41 (02) 22 716 1930
Mobile No.: +41 (0) 79 136 9114

For all other concerns not falling under ATN Services, please check the link https://bernepe.dfa.gov.ph/2014-01-22-04-24-09 for the contact details of the Embassy’s Consular Units.

For Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC), contract verification, Overseas Worker Welfare Administration (OWWA), OWWA-related matters, and labor matters, please view the information on POLO/OEC.  

Former Filipino citizens who are now citizens of Switzerland or Liechtenstein may wish to direct any request for assistance to their local government or law enforcement authorities in their places of work or residence.

Please be guided accordingly.