Bringing Pets to the Philippines
A traveler who wishes to bring a pet to the Philippines must contact the Animal Health Division (AHD) of the Philippine Bureau of Animal Industry ( through telephone 00632-9254343 or 00632-9200816, facsimile 00632-9200815, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; .
The information that the pet owner must provide are:
- The species and breed of the pet(s);
- The gender and description of the pet(s) you are bringing;
- The expected date of the pet(s)’ arrival in the Philippines;
The following documents for each pet are necessary:
- A valid health certificate (in English) signed by a licensed veterinarian in the country of origin, which indicates that the pet has been examined and is free from communicable diseases at least ten (10) days before the travel to the Philippines. If the country of origin is not free from rabies, a certification that there has been no rabies cases within a 20 kilometer radius of the pet’s home in the last six (6) months.
- A vaccination card (with English translation) showing the pet’s vaccination for rabies, canine distemper, infectious hepatitis, leptsopirosis, canine parvovirus, or feline panleucopenia and proof that the animal was treated for internal and external parasites.
- The Bureau of Animal Industry will send an import permit. The fee will be paid upon arrival in the Philippine airport.