Effective 01 November 2014, the Philippines will implement the integration of airport terminal fee (otherwise known as the International Passenger Service Charge Integration Program) into the cost of tickets at point of sale.

The integration scheme aims to address the congestion in all Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) terminals caused by the increasing volume of passengers. The scheme conforms to international standards and practices of airports worldwide.

The integration will be implemented simultaneously by all airlines worldwide and shall also cover passengers transiting Manila to any destination point.

The integration scheme honors terminal fee exemptions of the following:

  1. Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs);
  2. Muslim pilgrims endorsed by the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF);
  3. Athletes endorsed by the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC); and
  4. Others authorized for exemption by the Office of the President (OP) of the Philippines.

For the foregoing passengers who were charged with airport terminal fees when they purchased their tickets online and/abroad, they can refund said fee at the terminals, after clearing immigration, or at MIAA Administration Building, Collection Office, G/F, MIA Road, Pasay City, Mondays thru Fridays (except holidays), from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

To facilitate the refund process, exempted passengers are advised to present the following documents:

  1. For OFWs:
    1. Airport copy of the Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC)
    2. Any of the following showing payment of the terminal fee:Boarding pass
      1. E-ticket; or
      2. Itinerary receipt with official receipt (OR) or invoice
    3. Boarding pass
  1. For Muslim pilgrims:
    1. MIAA Exemption Certificate
    2. Any of the following showing payment of the terminal fee:Boarding pass
      1. E-ticket; or
      2. Itinerary receipt with official receipt (OR) or invoice
    3. Boarding pass