Habi Kalayaan Online Fair
From 00.00H of 10 June until 23.59H of 11 June 2021
19 May 2021 – The Filipino Community is informed that, in connection with the commemoration of the 123rd Anniversary of the Proclamation of Philippine Independence, the International Bazaar Foundation Inc. (IBF) will hold a special fair entitled “Habi Kalayaan Online Fair” from 00.00H of 10 June until 23.59H of 11 June 2021.
The online Fair, aims to promote sustainable fashion and other lifestyle products using traditional and contemporary textile from different part of the Philippines. To particiate in the special Fair, interested individuals may visit: www.shophabifair.com during the Fair period.
The Habi Kalayaan Online Fair is organized by the IBF, in cooperation with HABI, The Textile Council of the Philippines. For more information on the: IBF, please visit: https://www.internationalbazaarfoundation.com, and HABI: https://www.shophabifair.com/pages/faqs.
The Embassy looks forward to your participation in the Fair. Let us support the creative ingenuity of the Filipino weavers!