Pursuant to its mandate to extend recognition to and to promote the popularization of artistic achievements, the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) is now accepting proposals for its 2022 NCCA Gallery and Exhibition Program.
Since 2009, the NCCA Gallery, located at the lobby of the NCCA building in Intramuros, has been offering an exhibition space which provides young and emerging artists a venue for exposure without curtailing creative exploration and expression. Likewise, established artists are given the opportunity to share their conceptual narratives to the audience and encourage engagements in the arts.
Exhibition proposals may be submitted by any Filipino citizen or any group or institution based in the Philippines. Proposals from foreign institutions or groups should be coursed through the NCCA International Affairs Office. These proposals should be made in consonance with a diplomatic milestone celebration, pursuant to an international commitment arising from Philippine membership to international organizations, or to implement the provisions of an executive program of a cultural agreement.
All exhibition proposals shall be submitted via the Google Forms link and will be accepted only when the following information is submitted with proper supporting documentation:
- Exhibit Title:
Preferred Month of Exhibition:
Name of Applicant (Individual or Group):
Type of Exhibition (Solo or Group):
Contact Person:
Contact Number(s) (Landline & Mobile):
E-mail Address:
2. A curatorial brief which shall contain the description and summary of the exhibition, and how the space will be utilized;
3. Statement of the artist/s about the proposed exhibition;
4. Complementary educational activity; and
5. Artist/s portfolio inclusive of updated bio data, digital photographs of sample artworks each properly labeled with details, and any previous write-up about the artist/s.
EXHIBITION PROPOSAL FORM: https://bit.ly/2022NCCAGalleryProposal
The exhibition proposal may be accomplished in Filipino or English. Exhibition proposals received beyond the announced deadline for the submission shall NOT be considered.
An email acknowledgement shall be sent to your inbox after the submission. If you do not receive an email acknowledgement or have any other questions or clarifications, kindly contact the NCCA Gallery Secretariat at telephone number (02) 8527-2192 local 328, mobile number 09195470908 or through e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . You may also visit www.ncca.gov.ph for further details.