04 March 2022 - Further to Public Announcement No. 5 on the implementation of the Global Online Appointment System (GOAS) for Philippine Passports, the public is advised that all applications for passports (issuance or renewal) must be coursed through the Global Online Appointment System (GOAS) or portal: https://www.passport.gov.ph/.
GOAS is maintained by the Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila.
Passport applicants are advised to view the information regarding passport application (new, renewal, or issuance anew of a lost Philippine passport and/or following reacquisition of their Philippine citizenship) through our website with link: https://bernepe.dfa.gov.ph/sample-sites/passport.
In securing your appointment in the GOAS, all applicants are requested to carefully read the instructions indicated in the platform and agree to the GOAS Terms and Conditions before proceeding with setting up an appointment.
In view of data privacy consideration, the applicants themselves must accomplish the form online. The Embassy cannot undertake this for the applicants nor reserve appointment slots for them.
For the detailed information, please visit: