Celebrating Filipino Women: Muse, Inspiration, Guiding Compass.
Saturday, 09 March 2024, 1400H-1600H at Sentro Rizal Berne, Philippine Embassy Berne
In celebration of National Women’s Month, we wish to invite you to an event to inspire inclusion, a sense of belonging and relevance, and to embrace diversity of age, ability, faith, status, body image and identity.
We are proud to have two successful Filipinas from our community in Switzerland to share their journey of self-discovery and empowerment:
Ms. Demee Koch, CEO and founder of DE MOI, and author of Becoming Miss Right: A Holistic Journey to Fulfillment; and
Ms. Donna Avellana Künzler, Digital Transformation Leader and award-winning author of The Overseas Fabulous Pinay: A modern Filipina’s handbook on how to thrive abroad.
Join us by registering at:
*Paralúman is a Filipino term (noun) which means a beautiful maiden, a muse who inspires artistically; in archaic, a navigation compass