Swiss national Mauro Tomasella and his Filipino-Swiss son Tristan held on 27 October 2015 a photo slide presentation entitled:  “The Philippines: Pearl of Southeast Asia” at the City Library in Winterthur, Switzerland.


The event aimed to introduce the Philippines, its 7107 islands, people and culture, to the Swiss public-at-large through photographs which the father-and-son duo have obtained from 35 years of travelling to the Philippines. 


The presentation showcased photos of various sites in the Philippines, with each photograph highlighting the Filipino people and their culture, as well as other unique destinations in the Philippines.


The father-and-son duo also made available information brochures from the Department of Tourism to encourage their audience to visit the Philippines and help promote it as one of the top tourist destinations in the world.


Pearl 1

Tristan Tomasella (left) with his father Mauro during their presentation “The Philippines: Pearl of Southeast Asia” at the Winterthur City Library


Pearl 2

 More than 60 people, both Swiss and the Filipino community, attended the presentation of the Tomasella father-and-son.