The February 2016 print and online edition of the COOP Zeitung (COOP News), published by one of the Switzerland’s leading department store and supermarket chains, featured Filipino-Swiss Alan Frei.
33-year-old Alan, an online entrepreneur, was featured in the COOP Magazine article entitled “Loslassen: Platz fürs echte Leben” (Letting Go: Space for Real Life) due to his “minimalist” life style.
In the article, Alan’s “Spartan” home was described as having a bed which also doubles as a sofa, with kitchen cabinets which are “practically empty.” His kitchen items include one pan, a ladle, a smoothie maker, a plate, a cup, a bowl, a knife and a fork.
Alan, with his “200 pieces of personal properties”, believes that on the average most possessions are hardly ever used. He said that it is better to "simplify your life". In a more chaotic the world, it seems there is greater need for simplicity, he said.
The complete article (in German) can be found at—