Zủrich-based Filipino artist Diane Gnehm donated a painting titled “Petroglyphs” to the Philippine Embassy, Berne on 25 August 2016. The artwork, now on display at the Chancery, reflects the artist’s varied interests and her unique interpretation of current developments in the Philippines.


“I am a revolutionary artist who learns from my travels and from things around me. I see the beauty of each creation, mimicking the colors each projects and transferring them to my canvas,” explains Ms. Gnehm.  


Apart from painting, Ms. Gnehm also has an interest in glass work. She attended a number of art glass workshops, including under Dale Chihuly in New York and Anita Bronniman in Switzerland.


At present, Ms. Gnehm works with interior designers and sells her works through them. She is one of the Swiss-based Filipino artists who will take part in the art exhibition next year to mark the 60th anniversary of Philippine-Swiss diplomatic relations, highlighting the sixty years of friendship between the two countries.


Ms. Gnehm is a native of Manila. She graduated from Far Eastern University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mass Communication. After obtaining her degree, she left the Philippines and pursued her passion for art, taking art lessons in a number of countries, including the US, Luxembourg, Spain and Switzerland.  END 


PR Dianne

Ms. Diane Gnehm presents her artwork to Ambassador Joselito A. Jimeno