Winterthur, 29 October 2017 – The Philippine Embassy in Berne conducted a consular outreach mission at the Parish Hall of Catholic Church of St. Marien.

During the day-long outreach activity, the team processed seventy-seven (77) passport-related applications, eighteen (18) civil registry, thirty-eight (38) applications for Philippine citizenship retention/reacquisition, thirty-seven (37) notarial services, and thirty-one (31) overseas-voting related applications. Consular briefing and individual consultations were also conducted, giving clients the opportunity to discuss their individual concerns, which include among others, property acquisition, tax and balikbayan privileges, adoption issues, inheritance, and retirement.

The consular outreach was undertaken in coordination with the Philippine Catholic Mission (PCM)-Winterthur headed by its coordinator Ms. Evangeline Vettiger.

The mission was the second outreach activity in Canton Zủrich and the third conducted this year. Winterthur is home to more than 2,000 Filipinos, including dual citizens.

The Philippine Embassy in Berne periodically conducts consular outreach missions to reach out to a greater number of its constituents, especially those who live far from Berne. END


Oct Outreach 1


Oct Outreach 2


Oct Outreach 3


Oct Outreach 4


Oct Outreach 5

The Embassy Consular Outreach Team with PCM Winterthur organizers